【舞台公演】2025.3.7ー9 SePT独舞 vol.24 ながめくらしつ 目黒陽介独演『ライフワーク』*1/10情報更新
*Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.
SePT独舞 vol.24 ながめくらしつ
2025年 3月7日(金)~9日(日)@シアタートラム
【演出/出演】目黒陽介 【音楽監督】イーガル
[演奏]八坂公洋 菊池智恵子 イーガル
◆公演日時: 2025年
3月7日(金)19:30 開演 演奏:八坂 公洋
3月8日(土)15:00 開演 演奏:菊池 智恵子
3月9日(日)15:00 開演 演奏:イーガル
(開催回のチケットをお持ちの方がご参加いただけます )
〒154-0004 東京都世田谷区太子堂4-1-1 Tel.03-5432-1526
◆チケット料金:全席 整理番号付き自由席
前売:一般 4,000 円 U25 3,000円*1 高校生以下 1,000円*2
当日:一般 4,500 円 U25 4,000円*1 高校生以下 1,500円*2
▼世田谷パブリックシアターチケットセンター ☎ 03-5432-1515
(10:00~19:00 年末年始をのぞく)
▼世田谷パブリックシアター オンラインチケット http://setagaya-pt.jp/
申込:劇場チケットセンター ☎ 03-5432-1515(先着順)
②[託児サービスのご案内] (定員有・要予約)
申込:世田谷パブリックシアター ☎03-5432-1526 ※ご希望日の3日前正午まで。
【演出・出演】目黒陽介 Yosuke Meguro [ジャグラー・演出家]
◆◇◆Guest Musicians ◆◇◆
【演奏@7日】八坂 公洋 Kimihiro Yasaka[ピアニスト]
長崎県佐世保市出身。カナダ・モントリオールを拠点に活動しているピアニスト。12歳から本格的なピアノの指導を水谷玲子氏に受ける。長崎大学入学後、カナダの名門マギル大学に編入、ピアノ科で学部と大学院共に橋本京子教授に師事。在学中、「若く優れたピアニスト」とニューブランスウィックでのソロリサイタルの際、音楽雑誌等で報じられた。優秀な成績が認められ、ジェフリーキャンベル奨学金、ルブカ・コレッサ・アワード、エレンバロン奨学金、そしてヤマハカナダ奨学金を受賞。2014年イタリアで行われたIBLA GRAND PRIZEにて入賞。
【演奏@8日】菊池 智恵子 Chieko Kikuchi[ピアニスト]
現在は、KAGERO、SaraGrace’s OneHotNight、mahol-hulのピアニスト。ほか、ライブサポートピアニストしてTomy Wealth、 ATATA、赤坂晃、出口陽などのライブ参加、及びレコーディングピアニストとして活動中。
【音楽監督・演奏@9日】 イーガル Ygal[現代音楽作曲家・ピアニスト]
舞台監督:守山真利恵 照明:横原由祐 舞台美術:照井旅詩(Rapport.llc)
記録映像:濱口恒太 記録写真:加藤春日 宣伝美術:あかばね 制作:奥村優子
[提携]公益財団法人せたがや文化財団 世田谷パブリックシアター
[協力]Circus Laboratory CouCou
Event Information
【Works】SePT Dokubu vol.24 Nagamekurasitsu, Yosuke Meguro Solo performance “Life Work”
Direction and Performance: Yosuke Meguro
Music Director and Composer: Ygal
Musical performance: Kimihiro Ysaka, Chieko Kikuchi, Ygal
-With a live musician, A juggler speaks with his body and objects.
A personal and poetic contemporary circus.
◆Date | Friday, March 7 – Sunday, March 9, 2025
March 7 (Fri) 19:30 / Guest Musician: Kimihiro Ysaka
March 8 (Sat) 15:00 / Guest Musician: Chieko Kikuchi
March 9 (Sun) 15:00 / Guest Musician: Ygal
◆ Venue | Theatre Tram
Setagaya Public Theatre, 4-1-1 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0004, Japan
◆Ticket Informations
>Ticket prices
General 4,000 yen in advance / 4,500 yen at the door
U25 3,000 yen in advance / 4,000 yen at the door*
High school students and younger: 1,000 yen in advance / 1,500 yen at the door**
Setagaya Arts Card member: 3,900 yen***
Theater Tomonokai: 3,800 yen***
*Under 25 years old, ID required on the day of admission / different from the theater’s membership system (U24).
**Show ID on the day of admission
***Advance sales only, advance registration required.
Children under 3 years old are free only if they are seated on the lap of a parent or guardian.
Tickets on sale December 22, 2024 (Sun.) 10:00
❶Setagaya Public Theatre Ticket Center (10:00-19:00)
❷Setagaya Public Theatre Online Ticket http://setagaya-pt.jp/
(24hours,advance registration required)
◆ Introduction to the performance
Formed in 2008 by juggler and director Yosuke Meguro, Nagamekurasitsu has been active and highly regarded as one of the few pioneering contemporary circus companies in Japan. Life’s Work” is a solo juggling stage work presented in 2022 as a repertory piece by Nagamekurasitsu, who specializes in site-specific ensemble dramas.
In front of a black wall set up in the center of the stage, a single juggler skillfully manipulates a variety of tools such as balls, rings, and contact balls to depict various scenes through the relationship between objects and the body.
The emotions that arise in this space are unique to those who are present. After premiering in Tokyo, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, and Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture, it is now being performed for the third time at Theatre Tram.
This is a new solo juggling piece by Yosuke Meguro, leader of the contemporary circus group Nagamekurasitsu, who has been experimenting with group creation with various artists for over 10 years.
The same work will be performed with a different twist with the incomparable cellist Hiromichi Sakamoto, who has served as musical director for previous performances, and the pianist Egal, who easily transcends diverse genres, as alternating guests on each stage.
We hope you will enjoy the sprouting of a work that could become Meguro’s “lifework,” which will gradually change over time as he continues to perform it over the course of his lifetime.
◆ Company Introduction
Formed in 2008 by juggler and director Yosuke Meguro, this is a rare contemporary circus troupe in Japan. Based on juggling and other circus techniques, the group collaborates with artists of various genres, including music and dance, and performs mainly in theaters, but also at street performances, festivals, museums, school performances, and various other venues. He is also actively involved in workshops for citizens and performers with the aim of promoting and developing the contemporary circus scene in Japan.
The same work will be performed with a different twist with the incomparable cellist Hiromichi Sakamoto, who has served as musical director for previous performances, and the pianist Ygal, who easily transcends diverse genres, as alternating guests on each stage.
We hope you will enjoy the sprouting of a work that could become Meguro’s “lifework,” which will gradually change over time as he continues to perform it over the course of his lifetime.
Stage Design: Ryota Terui(Rapport.llc)
Stage Manager: Marie Moriyama Lighting: Yu Yokohara
Video: Kota Hamaguchi Photography: Haruhi Kato
Advertising Art: Akabane Production:Yuko Okumura
Host Organization: Nagamekurasitsu
Affiliation: Setagaya Public Theatre, Setagaya Cultural Foundation
Supported by Setagaya City
In cooperation with Circus Laboratory CouCou